When a Review Sparks a Design Change: The Story of the Etsy’s Butthole Bear


Reviews have power.

It’s a sentiment we strongly believe in here at Review Party Dot Com. On the one hand, a good review informs your fellow prospective purchaser and oftentimes might entertain them (we like those especially). But it’s also direct feedback for the provider of the good or service you’re reviewing.

Let’s envision some scenarios:

  • You noticed your hotel room smelled smoky and the shower hook was loose? Put it in the review! That lets the hotel (hopefully) address the issue, AND HEY, maybe you’ll get some extra loyalty points or something.

  • Your shrimp cocktail has SO FEW shrimp in it, you feel like you paid for a cup of ice and cocktail sauce. Post a pic with your review! Make the business sweat a bit and promise to make it right for you.

  • Something foul and perverse is offered and you must take a stand against it, even if you haven’t put down any money. In this case you’re either an unhinged Conservative or misogynist, review-bombing a book/movie/anything OR OR you were someone who saw Ugly Sonic


As we learned with Sonic, the voice of the people is loud. And if the people think something looks a little bit off, they’re going to talk about it.

Of course, the customer isn’t always right:

But we’re here to talk about a customer that, yes was right, but who also didn’t drag the creator’s good name across the internet (like we all did with Ugly Sonic).

We’re here to talk about Charlotte, her Etsy shop BohemianForestDesign, and the review that led to a bit of humility and reinvention.

Yeahhh. While Bohemianforestdesigns Instagram states the shop is closed (as does the TikTok), the existing posts as well as the Etsy review history show that Charlotte offered an arrangement of rustic and customizable wooden gifts, with designs and names burned in (there are some coat hooks on the Etsy now, so GO, GET THEM!).

When you’re a creator, when you’re running a business (or a podcast and blog), sometimes you just need to get stuff out the door.

But, it seems that nature had other ideas for one of Charlotte’s products, and as you can see in the above TikTok, a woman’s daughter found the imagery somewhat unbearable (apologies).


Not the best look. But when criticism is fair, fixes can be made.

And so they were!


You’ll be happy to know that even after modifying the design, the original WAS still available for those that wanted a special bootyhole bear.

These days you’ll need to find yours on the secondary market, now that Charlotte has made her riches and moved on (we assume). If you’d still like to follow her or her shop, however, we encourage you to do so,

AND, we encourage you to write happy and helpful reviews; you never know what your review might lead to!


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