Me, You, and Meme Reviews: The Accoutrements Horse Head Mask Part I


Here we are, friends, at another installment of Me, You, and Meme Reviews, the long-running podcast segment and blog here at Review Party Dot Com.

What IS Me, You, and Meme Reviews? Well, you could click that link above. OR, I’ll just tell you. It’s when we take a good hard look at a product that gained cult-like notoriety online, like the Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer (Part One, Two), those yoga pants the girl who rolled down the mountain was wearing (part One, Two) and even that Ugly Garfield Plush (Part One, Two). Did we cover the Sugar Free Gummy Bears? Yes! Multiple times, actually. As well as the Three Wolf Moon shirt, the Bic for Her pens, the book How to Avoid Huge Ships, and MORE! Seriously, if this is you jam, click that MYMR link at the top.

But what do we do, other than look at the products? Well. We look at the reviews, obviously. This IS Review Party Dot Com, after all. So we look at all the meme-like, funny reviews, we tell the story of the fame, and then (next week) we write a review of the product ourselves (yes, we bought one).

So today, the Accoutrements Horse Head Mask. Oft-duplicated. Oft-imitated. But always impactful.

Let’s Get to It!

These reviews have been making the rounds for a WHILE now. Here’s a Fast Company article with funny reviews from 2010! I’ve also got posts on (whatever that is) and (it’s clear what that is, but I’m still not sure I get it).

BUT, the review I remember seeing first was none other than this beauty:


That’s perfect. Wouldn’t do a thing to it. Well, maybe, but we’ll get to that later. Here’s some more!


Obviously lots of these reviews have fun pictures attached:


And here is a review that features a video! (I know you can’t click it in the image, relax, it’s below!)


And speaking of videos, it’s with those that this horse head mask has made an impact of late.

In 2022, there was this horror show:

Then I guess they got normal people to make a commercial and ended up with this:

So even though the phenomenon started wayyy back in 2010, this horse is still kicking.

And that’s why we’re going to give it it’s fair shake. Because as much as we love silly and funny reviews, we know there is value in providing an honest assessment of a product. We know that people are trying to spend their money, and jokesters hopping on the one-up joke wagon isn’t going to help anyone.

THAT’S WHY, next week on this very same website, we will have our REAL review of the horse head mask. Uhh, and also a fake one, because we’re super goofy and creative and fun.

Hay, thanks for stopping by!


Me, You, and Meme Reviews: Horse Head Mask PART II


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