Review Party Dot Com

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Let Reviewed do the Research for You

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Look, if you’ve lived on this earth anytime in the last 20 years, you read internet reviews before buying something. It’s like breathing by now. You check the price, you check the reviews, maybe you check how fast it ships or the country of origin.

And it makes sense to do so! We work hard for our money and want to ensure it’s well spent, so we look to those who have spent or experienced already and we let them weigh in on whatever product or place has momentarily caught our fancy.

But if there’s one thing the internet has taught us, it’s that idiots are out there, and it’s easier than ever for them to be heard. What happens if the review you’re putting your trust in was written by a complete nimrod? You don’t have time to parse every username and profile pic, or sift through each user’s review history. No, for some things, it’s best to lean on the professionals. NOT the people who sometimes get free things for writing reviews (like Amazon Vine members or Yelp Elites), but those people who’s JOB it is to test, compare, and review products, tirelessly.

We’ve written previously about Wirecutter, the review site under the umbrella of the New York Times. Well, USA Today has its own review website, aptly named Reviewed.

I’ll let them introduce themselves:

Reviewed, part of the USA TODAY Network, is a team of product experts (geeks, in truth) that put in the hard work of testing products so you don't have to. We built an entire test lab in the heart of Cambridge, MA just to make sure that when we say something is worth your money, we can back it up with good old-fashioned science.

Our mission is to help you buy the best stuff and love what you've already got. That means we'll have solid recommendations for you—no matter your budget—and we'll teach you how to unlock the secret benefits of the things you already own.

We believe that tough, objective, hands-on testing is the best way to measure the quality of a product. Like any good scientist, we promote transparency in our process. Not everyone will always agree with our recommendations (we're looking at you, brands of the world), but they'll always know how we arrived at them. And we're always happy to share the info we learned along the way.

Sounds pretty legit, no?

And yes, anything they recommend on their site is going to be use affiliate links.

There is a deals section, a How To page, and video reviews, as well as various seasonal/topical recommendations.

Last but not least, if you have a product you want them to test, you can contact them and request a review at Good luck, player!