Celebrity Reviews: Millie Bobby Brown


Let me get the bad news out of the way first; unfortunately, we may never actually see these reviews, as anonymous accounts were used, but doesn’t it just feel good knowing you aren’t so different from stars like Millie Bobby Brown?

During a recent guest spot on the Table Manners with Jessie and Lennie Ware podcast, Brown confessed to leaving online reviews under a fake name, saying “my whole life is people criticizing me, so I’m going to give it back to you sometimes.” Which, fair.

And she’s not above criticizing even the lowest of restaurants, for those ills that plague even the most common of us.

“f I’ve ordered a chicken sandwich, I just like a chicken sandwich. Like, don’t forget it, please. It’s made my day, the chicken sandwich, and when I look into the bag and there’s not one thing I’ve asked for, it kills me.”

See? The stars ARE relatable! And they don’t all play the “do you know who I am” card!

At the end of the day, no matter how much money we’re spending, we want it to be spent well. We want the things we pay for to deliver on the promises that were made.

As Brown states, “I do think it’s important to know where you went wrong and [there’s] always room for improvement.”


Jobs in Reviewing: Joel Golby’s Four Stars: A Life. Reviewed.


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